We are a voluntary group of citizens , who help as we can in the Activeworlds community. We are here to help new and regular users who come to Activeworlds. We assist Inc.'s personnel, by providing an online presence, for citizens and users to find help and advise.We assist users in disputes and try to prevent harassment of any user by others regardless of the form, be it verbal abuse or harassment , racism or vandalism
We are a group of dedicated and sincere volunteers whose mission it is to enhance the experience of new users as well as promote the AW Community. We provide a welcoming environment that allows for instruction, assistance and camaraderie.
Official Activeworlds Newsletter
Want to learn to Build?
Active Worlds Building Help Files
AWSchool within Activeworlds Program offers teachers to help, and self taught tutorials,
Tutorials and Resources:
Wings 3D An easy to use program for making objects that export to rwx.